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Latest in Trading Strategy

In P2P arbitrage, you earn money on a small markup that you circle around as fast as you can The way to earn in this trading strategy is not necessarily by having a ton of capital (although that helps) but moving it around quickly -
Why you want to DCA instead of HODL and where to do it best (incl auto-DCA) -
The Shadow system takes advantage of the small shadow that exists between the open price and the high or low of the day, and scalps a fixed amount of that movement every day -

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Weekly market events

What to trade this week

Most read post W#10

Weekly Events on Crypto Markets

Daily Candle Close
watch it here...
11:59PM UTC
Weekly Candle Close
...everyone does
Sun 11:59PM UTC
Deribit Options Expiry
10% fee off here
Fri 8:00AM UTC
CME Options Expiry
charts and data here
Last Fri of contract, 4:00PM London time

What To Trade

Week #10
Web3 vaporware
All low-cap crypto.
Spot BNB without Binance
Bitforex (No KYC)
BNB spot trading without KYC and without Binance.
Dog money
Bitforex (No KYC)
All dog money and low-cap crypto.
Liquidity Swap
Binance (10% kickback)
Up to 15% yields for small altcoins

ATNET Crypto Glossary

beyondta · 09/07/20  Crypto Market Psychology

jargon · 02/23/21  Dino Alts

jargon · 06/21/20  DCA

jargon · 10/01/20  Coin Control

ATNET How-To Guides & Platform Reviews

Bybit derivatives

AltcoinTrading.NET Blog

Gary Vee on Ethereum

Video of gary Vee endorsing Ethereum when asked about it by a fan.

PSA - Jaxx Vulnerability (2017)

A 2017 version of the Jaxx wallet has a serious vulnerability that is being worked on - but at the moment is there.

· uses exodus  electrum  ledger 

Is the end of ICOs approaching?

The very first ICO-ish thing was fined heavily. Will new regulations pop the ICO bubble?

Time in the Market vs Timing the Market

They say that in the long run, time in the market beats timing the market. With the short term direction you cannot know for sure - even technical and fundamental analysis together with Reddit sentiment can only give you what's likely, not what's hundred percent sure.

· uses bitfinex 

Litecoin: This time it's different?

It's always different until it isn't and it's never different until it is.

About the proposed Ethereum ETF

The surveillance section of EtherIndex's rule change (which after the Winklevoss' BTC ETF seems to be the key part) proposes a strategy which might be more plausible.

The Finexening - Bitfinex hack

Bitfinex was hacked in August 2016. Read the basic info about the hack and the best of Reddit's response on the Bitfinex hack from back then.

All about the DAO hack

A summary of what is going on with DAO's and ETH

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