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Dino Alts / AltcoinTrading.NET glossary

What are dino cryptos and why are they important?
Altcoin Trading Blog

Key Points / Dino Alts

  1. Dino alts or dino crypto is a slang term for an older, more established crypto

  2. Dinosaur crypto markets usually behave differently from the newer cryptos

  3. Tools for Dino Alts: #independent-reserve #localcryptos 

In crypto trading jargon, dino alts or dinosaur altcoins or also dinosaur cryptos stand for older, more established alt coins.

Examples of older and established dino coins in crypto are Ethereum, Litecoin and Monero.

Why have a separate name for dino coins?

The reason for separating dinosaur cryptos when talking about crypto markets is that the dinosaur cryptos usually move differently from smaller, newer cryptos.

  • Dino alts are not actively hyped and shilled as the latest dog coin or NFTs.
  • Established dino cryptos usually have deeper markets with both whales and small investors.
  • Dino cryptos are somewhat established in their use: Most people in the crypto community will agree that each dino alt has an important use case.

All the points above contribute to lower volatility on dino alt markets. (Lower volatility when compared to crypto markets - which is still very volatile.)

For instance, DeFi coins are not dino alts. Likewise, $SHIB and other dog money are not dino alts. They are newer alt coins have moved completely out of joint since their inception. On the contrary, Litecoin and to some extent Ethereum fiat markets move in a more correlated way to bitcoin markets.

On the flip side, trading non-dino alts can generate good profits very fast. (Or wipe them out, if you don’t exit your trade in time.)

Last but not least, it is useful for market analysis and market timing to split assets based on fundamental as well as perceived value.

This is more of a topic for market psychology though:

An indepth look at Dino Alts is here.

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