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Wyckoff theory hinges on direct effects of changes in supply and demand. Its weakness is that as every TA it assumes that those supply and demand changes were done rationally and also with no agenda.

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KC (Keltner Channels & BB/KC Squeeze) (uses bitfinex  tradingview  )
What are Keltner Channels, what is the difference from Bollinger bands and how to use them in crypto.
ROC (uses cryptowatch  bitfinex  )
What does ROC stand for in crypto trading - Rate of Change
BTC.D (uses cryptowatch  tradingview  bitfinex  )
What does BTC.D stand for in crypto trading - coin dominance metrics
VPVR (uses tradingview  cryptowatch  )
What is the VPVR indicator? Where to get VPVR for free? How to trade the VPVR?
Crab Market 🦀 (uses tradingview  )
Crab market in ATNET Crypto glossary. What do crypto traders call Crab market?
Fibs (Fibonacci Lines) (uses tradingview  )
What do crypto traders call Fibs? How to draw Fibs for an uptrend?
Market Profile (uses tensorcharts  bitfinex  )
What do traders call Market Profile and does it work for crypto trading?
DCB (uses tradingview  )
What do crypto traders call DCB and how to trade it?
Engulfing (uses tradingview  )
What is bullish engulfing and bearish engulfing? Are cryptocurrencies good markets to trade on engulfing?
ALMA (uses cryptowatch  tradingview  )
What does ALMA stand for in crypto trading - Arnaud Legoux Moving Average